Chef Sherlock's guests expect to discover a memorable
experience when they enjoy his Culinary Delights. Chef
Peter's Cuisine will open the world of food to each
of you, in each dish while presenting them in entirely
original ways.
New Era
Thinking has a working formula rooted in the classic
French technique, which is Chef Peter's original
discipline. Yet, the creative process with New Era
Thinking extends that reach and brings originality to
another level. New Era Thinking food pairings from diverse
global regions are matched with discipline in
maintaining the integrity and their basic cultural
characters and use. The challenge of the 21st Century is
how to apply the world's ingredients in a completely
innovative way. This desired Cuisine is an egalitarian
expression of our global village's foods and spices - an
amalgam of tastes from around the world, not just our
backyard, or Europe.
My geography
is the frontier of the future. Modern Food will not be a
reflection of a single culture. This Cuisine philosophy
encourages the fusing of ingredients of many cuisines and
The goal is
to extend the creative boundaries of any meal by diversely
matching components from varying cultures. These things
are matched or fused together and of course, I present the
entire package with high style and the best service, the
hallmark of Chef Peters dining experience.
Of course,
taste and flavor must be compatible, and my Cuisine Style
concept will be a constant process, like an open-ended
New Era
Thinking is built on the highest standards always followed
by Chef Peter.
Our challenge is to develop this cuisine with credibility
to continue to fuse rational ideas that result in fine,
subtle combinations, but daring new dishes. New Era
Thinking is our bridge to the 21st Century. It is the best
of what I have developed during the past 24 years and the
best of what I aspire to be.